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Premium Ox hide

Our skins are unique and one of a kind - every cow hide is unique. Each one has its own personality and this is expressed in every single product. Not only the beauty but also the dimensions of the cow hides are unique. Approx. 2,5 x 2,3 meters. With the purchase of one of these skins you own something impressive and large. We have different colours on offer. Choose the colour you like best.
Our unique red Wine La Perla 2020

¡No le quites el tártaro!... me decía mi padre cuando andaba con aquella barrica de nogal. Si te metías dentro era como si estuvieras observando el universo en una clara noche de verano; esa fina capa que se formaba, quizás por el tartárico, brillaba de una manera especial y aislaba sutilmente el vino de la madera. La cuba se llenaba con la uva de prieto picudo y mencía de la viña más alta que plantó mi abuelo Segundo Gordón, que fermentaba lentamente y a la vez de forma intensa, dando vinos frescos y ligeros, fáciles de beber, con una elegancia aterciopelada. Por eso, mi padre la bautizó como La Perla, quizá porque era la barrica de la que más esperábamos...
93/100 puntos en la guía Parker
Aguardiente de Orujo

El orujo es pausa, es detenimiento... Al igual que nuestros bueyes es tiempo y lentitud. Es mimo y cuidado; es paciencia y espera para que el finísimo hilo vaya llenando poco a poco la vasija... es aroma de tierras austeras, de la paja de trigo de secano que se ponía en el fondo de la alquitara para que no se pegara el hollejo... Es magia, compañero del fuego, del café y de las frutas y de mil y un sabores. Es danza e invocación de meigas, de risas y conversación alrededor de una mesa.
Fossil Feather deep plate 19,5cm White | Box 4 Units
Hard stone that holds the secret of the past, I await your gaze to revive. Just as memories are the fossils that describe our past, dreams are the hope that exists as pure possibility. If you contemplate me you will understand our place on the planet. A design by Santos Bregaña under the watchful eye and advice of Bodega El Capricho.
Fossil Dragon-fly plate 32cm White | Box 4 Units
Hard stone that holds the secret of the past, I await your gaze to revive. Just as memories are the fossils that describe our past, dreams are the hope that exists as pure possibility. If you contemplate me you will understand our place on the planet. A design by Santos Bregaña under the watchful eye and advice of Bodega El Capricho.
Fossil Starfishes plate 17cm Stone | Box 6 Units
Hard stone that holds the secret of the past, I await your gaze to revive. Just as memories are the fossils that describe our past, dreams are the hope that exists as pure possibility. If you contemplate me you will understand our place on the planet. A design by Santos Bregaña under the watchful eye and advice of Bodega El Capricho.
Fossil Dragon-fly plate 32cm Stone | Box 4 Units
Hard stone that holds the secret of the past, I await your gaze to revive. Just as memories are the fossils that describe our past, dreams are the hope that exists as pure possibility. If you contemplate me you will understand our place on the planet. A design by Santos Bregaña under the watchful eye and advice of Bodega El Capricho.
Fossil Lizard Bowl 11cm White | Box 6 Units
Hard stone that holds the secret of the past, I await your gaze to revive. Just as memories are the fossils that describe our past, dreams are the hope that exists as pure possibility. If you contemplate me you will understand our place on the planet. A design by Santos Bregaña under the watchful eye and advice of Bodega El Capricho.
Fossil Feather deep plate 19,5cm Stone | Box 4 Units
Hard stone that holds the secret of the past, I await your gaze to revive. Just as memories are the fossils that describe our past, dreams are the hope that exists as pure possibility. If you contemplate me you will understand our place on the planet. A design by Santos Bregaña under the watchful eye and advice of Bodega El Capricho.
Fossil Starfishes plate 17cm White | Box 6 Units
Hard stone that holds the secret of the past, I await your gaze to revive. Just as memories are the fossils that describe our past, dreams are the hope that exists as pure possibility. If you contemplate me you will understand our place on the planet. A design by Santos Bregaña under the watchful eye and advice of Bodega El Capricho.
Fossil Vine Leaf Plate 23cm Stone | Box 4 Units
Hard stone that holds the secret of the past, I await your gaze to revive. Just as memories are the fossils that describe our past, dreams are the hope that exists as pure possibility. If you contemplate me you will understand our place on the planet. A design by Santos Bregaña under the watchful eye and advice of Bodega El Capricho.